Sorting through some old photographs recently I came across this postcard (undated) of the forge, The Wergs, near Wolverhampton.
While the photograph is a gem in its own right, what's extra special is that on the reverse is a message written to my great uncle, Tom Diggory (born 1893) from someone called W. Bright. The postmark might have helped with a date but unfortunately it's been stamped too close to the edge and while the 11th September is clearly visible, the year, sadly, has been missed off.
The address of the writer is Wergs Hall, Wolverhampton and is addressed to T. Diggory, Craigo House, Nr Montrose, Scotland. Wergs Hall was where Tom was working in service on the 1911 census. In his message, Mr Bright (could the W stand for William?), mentions Ada and Annie who apparently ask to be remembered to Tom. Ada and Annie are listed as housemaids at Wergs Hall on the same 1911 census. So what was Tom doing in Scotland? Was he visiting Craigo House with the family in his capacity as footman?
Mr Bright talks about the possibility of Tom finding a "lassie" and wonders if he has fallen in love with any of the girls there!
I wonder who the people are in the photograph? The blacksmith and his assistants seems the obvious answer, but what are their names? And who is Mr Bright? Perhaps the 1911 census might give me some answers.